Kerith Youth Summer Sanctuary sponsorship

Hello Kerith! 

At Kerith Youth we are making plans once again to go away with the youth for a weekend away. Summer Sanctuary is happening from Friday 29 July - Sunday 31 July and we're so expectant to see God move in the teenagers once again.

Last year being able to gather physically to worship, have devotionals together, pray with one another, do high ropes, archery, eat food, slip n side rounders and some sleep was such a highlight of the year for many. 

After Summer Sanctuary last year, we had teenagers saying for the first time that they encountered Jesus, that after Summer Sanctuary they want to take their faith more seriously and we have seen teenagers plugging into church! Such a joy and privilege that we get to be able to do this. 

In youth ministry we always reflect that a weekend away with youth is equivalent to 6 months of doing youth ministry as the impact it has being away with like minded people encountering Jesus is life changing.

As a church we want to make Summer sanctuary as accessible as we can for all 11–18-year-olds who want to come along but we know for some that financial difficulties within the family can be a barrier for them to come along to Summer Sanctuary.

Each year we have a sponsorship fund where people can give money to make it possible for young people to come along and we have one again this year. 

This year as a church our vision is to be a church where we are disciples making disciples, and being able to sponsor young people financially to come along is you doing that. 

Whether you can give a lot or a little we are so appreciative of your generosity and please be assured that your generosity is impacting young people's lives and their eternities. 

Here is the link so that you can give into the sponsorship fund

Thank you so much in advance for your generosity!

Jo Phillips
Kerith Youth Champion


Farnborough summer picnic


Kerith Farnborough update.