Building and Buildings

Hi friends,

Two quick things from me today, both related to buildings. Our vision isn't focussed on acquiring property, but to bless people we need space to do that. If we want to do things like run after school clubs, host drop-in cafes to help people find work or gather for prayer and worship we need space to do that in.

Vision Fund

On Simon's blog this week is a post all about Vision Fund Gift Days. If you haven't yet, I suggest subscribing to Simon's blog and taking some time to read this post.

As a church we invest generously across all our sites and into other churches and organisations. Vision Fund contributions from across Kerith paid for the setup of West Wight, including all of our equipment and salary costs for me and Dan for the first year.

This is our chance now to prayerfully consider giving generously into Windsor and Farnborough. I believe that one day West Wight will be holding similar gift days as we step into buying a building or some land, a place where people can encounter the love of God all through the week. For more, please see the blog.

Sunday Meetings

I've reflected a lot over the past year about what it means to be church when gathering physically has been so limited. Sunday morning is not everything, but it is something. 

From this Sunday, 1st August, our gatherings at the hall will be as close to normal as they have been in a long time. Alongside no requirement to sign up or wear masks and the freedom to sing, we will have hot and cold drinks available at the end of the meeting. 

Because of the all the space we have in the hall and good ventilation we could safely gather everyone who receives this email, and we'd even be fine if you all brought someone with you!

The key thing we are now waiting for is launching Kerith Kids (which we need some help with!) - we're hoping to start this in September or October.

Our Sunday meetings are not everything, but they are an important space for us to encounter God together. If we're going to reach out into our communities and have thriving small groups, much of that is driven by being together regularly. 

There are plenty of reasons you might not be able to join us at the Memorial Hall. But I do want to bring that challenge that maybe some of us need to carve out regularly attending Sunday mornings as a priority. 

I believe it will do you good and it will bless others too! Let's go one step further and be praying for people to invite along, the worst that can happen is they will say no. 

Have a great week, looking forward to catching up with some of you on Sunday. 

Blessings, Ben


Rest, but not from God


Another step towards 'normal', a BBQ and Cafe...