Rest, but not from God

Greetings friends,

It may be that I'm still recovering from being a teacher, but August is a time when it feels like things slow down a little bit. Whether or not that is the case for you I hope you find some time to rest and recover this month.

However, please don't switch off from carving out time and space for your faith. Praying, reading your Bible and joining us on a Sunday will do you good. (And we have coffee now - I tested it twice yesterday, just to make sure.)

As I take some time off in August I probably won't email again for a few weeks, so here are some things you might like to know about:

August - visiting preachers ahoy!

Over the summer we have some excellent speakers coming to preach live, including three travelling all the way from mainland! We'll be continuing our encounters with Jesus series, if you missed the first talk you can catch up here.

8th - Ben Oliver is speaking on healing and restoration.

15th - Catrina Benham will be sharing about finding hope in despair.

22nd - Heather Pocock will be talking about truth and authority.

29th - Chris Reddecliff will finish the series with a message on forgiveness.

I encourage you to get as many of those in your diary as you can and be praying about who you could invite to join us. Do you know someone who would benefit from hearing one of these messages?

September - Revive Cafe, possible party and WTC ahoy!

I enjoyed writing 'ahoy' but it makes less sense here. Either way, key things for September:

We might have a bit of a party on Sunday 12th September - it will be West Wight's second birthday since launching weekly, and we've got our Revive Cafe due to start the next day. We'll let you know the plan.

From 1st-5th September a number of the Kerith team (including me) are away in Nottingham for a week of WTC lectures, please pray for us!

That's it for now. Praying you have a great week, hope to catch you on a Sunday soon.

Blessings, Ben


Revive Cafe and Life Skills


Building and Buildings