Christmas Day NO MEETING - looking ahead to New Year :)

Dear friends,

We had such a great time at our Christmas Experience. For those that couldn't make it, we missed you, we'll do it bigger and better next year! Between the two services and the bit in between we had around 100 people join us, including lots of new people.

Christmas Day - no physical meeting

We've made the difficult decision to not have a physical meeting on Christmas Day. In light of the rising Covid-19 cases and current health advice we have made the decision to pause our in-person gatherings until 9th January.

We are looking forward to connecting together via the chat at our Christmas Day Online meeting at 10am on YouTube or and on Sunday 2nd January.
At present we are looking to return to in-person meetings on sites on Sunday 9th January (see below for more about January).

New Year plans

2nd January - online only meeting, details as above - Simon is preaching.

9th January - back to the usual pattern, Sunday mornings, 10:30am at the hall. See you there!

From 16th January, we'll have Kerith Kids on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month :)

Out of office

One final thing. With annual leave, bank holidays and a study week at WTC, I won't be checking emails or my work phone regularly again until 7th January.

After that, my working hours will be changing, so I'll be contactable on Sundays, Thursday and Fridays. 

Praying you have a great Christmas. I love being part of this community and hope you feel the same. Let's keep praying, seeking God, looking after ourselves and caring for each other. 

Blessings, Ben


Disciples who make disciples


Covid precautions update