Disciples who make disciples

Dear friends,


I'm so looking forward to gathering again this year on Sundays, in small groups, for coffees and walks. It feels like it's been a long time, particularly for those of you that had to isolate.

If you weren't able to tune in live, I recommend catching up on today's online meeting. You can find it on YouTube, on our website or you can find the preach as a podcast.

Simon challenged us to be disciples who make disciples. If we focus on following Jesus as a community, looking for and offering help and guidance, we will see amazing things happens in 2022!

Key info for January


Our physical meetings start again on 9th January, so join us at the hall from 10am for a coffee. The same restrictions are still in place so bring your mask (unless exempt) and wrap up warm (the windows will be open!).


The new term starts soon but there is still time for you tell us you are interested in leading a group, just fill in this form, or contact Dan if you have any questions. We'll get in touch to tell you all the different options so you can choose your group.

We encourage everyone to join in with and prioritise a small group. They are so important for building the relationships that form our community. Each term we give everyone a chance to take a break from leading, choose another group, or continue as they are.


There is an online Alpha course this term. Who could you invite? Send them this link to sign up: https://kerith.churchsuite.co.uk/events/wlcxktv9

I helped run online Alpha last year and it works really well! The worse thing that will happen is they will say no... (inviting someone is one way you can be a disciple who makes disciples).


Finally, a number of us from Kerith are travelling to Nottingham tomorrow for a week of WTC lectures. So from Monday to Thursday I'll be trying to learn more about Romans, 1 Corinthians and Christian ethics. Please pray for us! I'll do my best with emails and messages, but anything complicated might have to wait.

Blessings, Ben


Socials, Sundays and Sandwiches


Christmas Day NO MEETING - looking ahead to New Year :)