Next of Kin Series - Next up at West Wight

I hope you’ve been finding this Next of Kin message series helpful. I think it has been really good to dig deep into both how we can grow in our love for each other through the tools of Connection, Communication & Conflict, and now considering specific types of relationships. So far we’ve heard from Ben Pocock on Parenting, and this week we heard from Heather Pocock on Divorce.

If you’ve missed any of those messages you can catch up either on our Podcast by searching Kerith West Wight wherever you listen to podcasts, or you can watch our online message on our YouTube channel

I think the thing that has stood out to me throughout these messages is that, whether you fit into the category we’ve been speaking about or not, the main action point is to love people well; particularly by not idolising and exalting certain relationships and statuses over others. Instead we treat each other with grace, and recognise the image of God in both ourselves and each other, remembering that our identity is rooted not in our relationships with each other but as children of God.


Helpful Resources

I’d also like to just point you to a few Christian resources that might be helpful off the back of Heather’s message, if you or someone you know is divorced, or going through divorce.

Restored Lives   - Charity based in HTB Church

Parenting for Faith


Marriage Course

For those people who are married, Kerith has access to the HTB Marriage Course. We’d love to encourage you to sign up to this course and work through it in your own time. Click here to find out more and sign up.


This Sunday – Marriage

We are so blessed as a community that Simon Benham, our Senior Pastor, is passionate about digging into the difficult passages of Scripture in order to challenge the unspoken norms in church culture and to raise our expectation that the Bible is as relevant in today’s culture as it was 2000 years ago.


This Sunday, 23rd October, Simon is speaking on the topic of Marriage and has kindly released his paper on this subject to us so we can read in more depth. Simon loves your feedback and to continue the conversation so if you have thoughts off the back of this talk please contact him via or I’m up for having any conversations off the back of your listening/ reading, just let me know. 


Giving Days


Prayer Meeting, Topics, Christmas