Prayer Meeting, Topics, Christmas

I just have a few quick things I wanted to let you know about - including something about Christmas...! Read to the end for that one! 😉

Here are the headlines:

Prayer Meeting - 9th October 8-9pm on Zoom

Next of Kin Sunday Message Topics

Christmas! ðŸĪŠ - Save the Date - 11th December 4-7:30pm(sort of)


Prayer Meeting - 9th October 8-9pm on Zoom

This Sunday evening we are going to gather on Zoom to pray together as a site. I'd love to encourage you to join us as we take a bit of time out of our week to pray into our communities and ask God to intervene, particularly around the Cost of Living Crisis, and the impact it is having and will have through the winter. We'll pray into some other things as well.


It's so important that we take time as a church to intercede and petition God for our communities, so do come and join us! - Save this email or the link below so you an join us on the evening. If you haven't used Zoom before just give me a shout and we can help you get on it 😄


Join Zoom Meeting - Click Here

Or use these codes

Meeting ID: 764 8726 7084

Passcode: 5ZL9pe

Next of Kin Sunday Message Topics

We currently in the middle of our Next of Kin message series on Sundays, which is helping us to explore useful tools in our various different relationships, I've found it really helpful and challenging, I hope you have too. Over the next 4 weeks we will be looking at more specific relationships, and I wanted to give you a heads up as to what's happening when (see below).


Probably one or more of these topics will be relevant to you either now or in the future, and the others will hopefully help you to understand and know how to support others, so let's lean in and listen up t what God might be saying to us through these message, but also let's be kind to ourselves and each other. It's important to recognise that these are potentially sensitive subjects for many of us, so let's seek to love each other well and be filled with grace for each other in our conversations. If you'd like to talk to me about any of this either before or after the messages, please feel free to give me a shout.


My prayer is that through this series we would better understand each other, ourselves and God's plan for us in our relationships, and width, length, height and depth of God's love for us.


9th - Parenting - Ben Pocock (Pre-Recorded - video)

16th - Divorce - Heather Pocock - Live

23rd - Marriage - Simon Benham - Live

30th - Singleness - Ben Britton - Live


Christmas! ðŸĪŠðŸŽ„🎁ðŸ‘ķ

Yes! I really am messaging you about Christmas! You might call me crazy, or some other words but I'm already excited. We've begun thinking and planning for what we might do at Christmas as a church and here where we're at so far - so get your diaries ready make note and don't miss out!


Save the Date Sunday 11th December 4-7:30pm (sort of) - Kerith Christmas Experience and Carols

We did this sort of event last year which was great fun, and we're going to do something similar again!

2 shortish carol services with a time in between with fun activities/crafts, maybe some stalls of local small businesses, a food van or food, fire pit and refreshments. It will be a great opportunity to invite friends and family to come and join in!

To make this happen we will need a team of people to help, which is partly why we're telling you about it now! It will be a great opportunity to work together as a church family to bless our community, and to grow in our relationships with each other! So stay tuned for opportunities to sign up to serve (if you're excited let us know!), there will be options to serve for different parts of the day.
More details of timings etc will be coming out over the next couple of months.

Christmas Day (25th December) 10-10:45m

We are planning to meet together for a short celebration on Christmas day at the hall, it will be 10-10:45am and will be cosy and relaxed. I love a Christmas Day gathering. It just feels like a great moment to be together as church family and pour out our adoration to God who became a baby. So be there if you can!


Dan Wells

West Wight Site Pastor

P.S. If you've read this far, what is your favourite Christmas Carol?


Next of Kin Series - Next up at West Wight


Bingo | Quiz Night | Alpha | Finances!