Prayer meeting and a BBQ

Hi friends, 

If you joined us this morning, it was great to see you. If you didn't, we missed you!  

Simon was on video starting a 2 week series on finances. You can catch up here, ready to join us next Sunday (1st May) as Simon speaks to us in real life! The message will be followed by a Q&A so get your tricky questions ready. 

We had two challenges this morning. One was to pray about how you could be generous; we want to be a generous community! The other was to either offer or ask for financial help. There is no shame in struggling for money or having enough to give some away. 

After the meeting someone approached me and said they felt God was prompting them to give away what was in their wallet. To fulfil this, we need someone to also reach out and say they need some help at the moment. If that's you, please do get in touch. Let's all be praying that we can support each other both in prayer and in practical ways. 

I hope you'll join me in praying for growth in our community. We want to see more people engage in Sunday meetings, Revive cafe, small groups, prayer meetings and social events because we want to create spaces where we can encounter God together and get to know each other. On that note, here are some dates for your diary:

Prayer meeting - Thursday 12th May 8-9pm

Our week of prayer and fasting starts with a whole church prayer meeting on Sunday 8th May at 7:30pm - a Zoom link will be sent out nearer the time. 

We'll also have a site prayer meeting on the Thursday from 8-9pm in our office in the Memorial Hall (now that we've set it up with sofas for young people, it's quite a nice place to be!). If you're planning to come, could you let me know so we can look out for you? 

We're thinking we'll do prayer meetings slightly differently each month, changing the venue and time so that different people can make it - if you have a preference or would like to offer to host one, let us know.

BBQ - Sunday 15th May after Sunday meeting

If you skipped straight to here, go back and put the prayer meetings in your diary! 

The Shurmers have kindly agreed to host us on 15th May for a BBQ. We'll spend time in their lovely garden with great food. (We'll provide directions on the day.)

Please do invite people, but let us know how many might be coming and any dietary needs so we can be prepared. 

If you're around and would like to bring something, just let me know. We'll sort sausages, burgers and buns so we'll need salad, crisps, drinks, puddings etc. You may want to bring a chair and/or picnic blanket too. 

We'll be in touch soon with some dates for June. I'm thinking a bring and share lunch after a Sunday meeting and another prayer meeting at someone's house, maybe South Wight or Newport? But very willing to hear other ideas. 

Have a great week, see you soon. 

Blessings, Ben


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Socials, Sundays and Sandwiches