Socials, Sundays and Sandwiches

Dear friends,

As I continue to recover from having covid, prayers for healing have been on my mind. I know a number of you have been struggling with illness, and I'm sure there are more I don't know about it. Let's keep praying and asking others to pray for us.

If you contact me I'll pray for you and, with your permission, pass your request onto the pastoral team so they can pray too. The same goes for answered prayers.


Self-isolation meant I missed out on what I hear was a lovely Curry Night on Friday! We'd love to put on more social things for us to get together as a church community and as a space to invite others. What would you like us to do?

We can arrange another Curry Night, I'm interested in having charity Quiz Nights and/or Film Nights at the Hall, we are open to suggestions. 

If you don't tell us we might not do it. If you do, maybe we will! Feel free to email back, send me a WhatsApp (07943619785), or even talk to me in real life if you have any thoughts. We want to put things on that people are interested in, so this is your chance. (We'll need help running these things so don't suggest something complicated unless you're ready to get involved!)

Sundays - Kids and Youth

From June, Kerith Kids will run on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. We're also recruiting a team so that a youth group can meet separately during the preach on these Sundays, we'll let you know when that's starting. This is a real answer to prayer! Shout out to our amazing volunteers. 

We've always been clear that we want children and young people to encounter God in a way that works for them. We love being all together in the hall but the reality is that a preach aimed at adults probably isn't very helpful for children. We're not taking the children out to create peace and quiet for the adults, but so they can encounter God. 

This is a key way that we can grow as a community. Eventually, we want to have several groups going out every week. For that, we'll need more volunteers and eventually, more space! This is something to keep praying about. 

Finally, apologies for adding Sandwiches to the subject line. I wanted a third thing beginning with S and I thought maybe it would intrigue you into reading the email... did it work? If I've upset you let me know and I can buy you a sandwich to make up for it. 

Hope to see you soon. 

Blessings, Ben


Prayer meeting and a BBQ


Disciples who make disciples