Site Sunday and Racism in the Church

Dear friends,

I'm feeling rested and recovered after some much needed time off, I hope you are doing ok too: two quick things from me.

Site Sunday

This Sunday there is a separate stream for each site, if you head to you can choose the YouTube channel for West Wight, here is the direct link

Some of the content is the same (e.g. worship) but you will see me doing some hosting and get to hear Dan Wells preaching on John 4! Please join us in chatting on YouTube if you can watch live at 10am (Kerith Today will still be on at 9:30am).

Racism in the Church

The conviction of Derek Chauvin and the documentary on the BBC this week about racism in the Church of England are stark reminders of the scale of the problem of racial injustice. I want to remind us again to respond as individuals and as a community.

If you're not sure how, start with prayer. The other thing I'd encourage you to do is read to help improve your understanding. We have recommended some books before and I have listed a few in my blog post from 31st March; I know others have engaged in this too so let's keep the conversation going.

A summary of the report into racial equality at Kerith will be released soon, including the steps we plan to take as a church.

This quote from Reading While Black by Esau McCaulley points us towards the power of inclusion and celebration of culture in the Church:

'God sees the creation of a community of different cultures united by faith in his Son as a manifestation of the expansive nature of his grace.

This expansiveness is unfulfilled unless the differences are seen and celebrated, not as ends unto themselves, but as particular manifestations of the power of the Spirit to bring forth the same holiness among different peoples and cultures for the glory of God.'

Have a great week, hope to 'see' you online on Sunday, and maybe in real life too. If you want to talk about any of this or just catch up do let me know, I'm very good at drinking tea in gardens.

Blessings, Ben


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