Site Prayer meeting and Small Group sign up

Hi friends,

I hope you're enjoying this sunny weather at the moment!

Just a couple of things I wanted to let you know about today,

- Site Zoom Prayer - Monday 3rd May 8:30pm

- Small Group Sign Up

If you haven't had a chance to watch our Site Sunday Online meeting from Yesterday, you can catch it here

Site Zoom Prayer Meeting

We will be gathering as a site to pray together Monday 3rd May, 8:30-9pm ('doors' open at 8:15 for a catch up!) This is a chance to spend time praying into the next few months as we begin to gather again physically. If we want to see transformation on this Island, we need an army of pray-ers. We want to see God doing mighty things as we meet together on Sundays so we will be praying for His Kingdom to come in the West Wight, joining with the Holy Spirit in contending for this community.

Email us for the zoom details for the meeting (same as virtual cafe)

Small Group Sign Up is now OPEN!

We have Small Groups starting up again from next Monday, so please a look on the website and chose which group you would like to sign up to. As usual we have a number of West Wight-specific groups as well as a whole host of 'All-Site' groups which run courses too - so lots to choose from!

I've been struck recently how Small Groups is effectively how the Church began and needs to be an integral part of how we are church together now. Acts 2:42-47 says this about the early church:

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Isn't that a great vision for church? We can't meet in each other's homes at the moment, but we can continue to meet together on Zoom, and I know for me, this has been such a lifeline throughout the pandemic. Small Group is a place where you can be real, share your joys and your sorrows. Be encouraged, challenged and prayed for. As well as growing in faith and love for each other. So do have a think and pray about which group you will join this term, because I know that when we gather God has the opportunity to transform each of us through others - we can be a blessing to each other.

Here are the sign up links for the West Wight Groups:

Ben's Bible Study: Wednesdays, 20:15

Paula & Rich's Life Group: Tuesdays, 20:00

Chris & Char's Small Group Lite: Mondays, 20:00

West Wight Young Adults: Tuesdays, 20:00

Click here for to see all the Small Groups available

Dan Wells

Kerith West Wight Assistant Site Pastor


Watch Events and an update from Ben


Site Sunday and Racism in the Church