Sunday meetings are GROWING :)

Dear friends,

If you joined us in the car park today, I hope you had as much fun as I did! We're thinking about doing that again, (possibly on 4th July...) so if you have any thoughts do share them. Before I share more about Sunday meetings, I wanted to update you on social justice.

CAP meeting - this Wednesday

Sarah, who leads social justice across Kerith, is coming to visit us on Wednesday along with Julie and Neil from CAP. We've invited some of our volunteers to hear more about the work CAP do (and drink coffee if I remember how the machine works...).

As a church we are committed to helping people find their way back to God and getting out into the community is an essential part of this. Please be praying that meeting this goes well, and let me know if you're interested in helping us launch social justice at West Wight.

Sunday meetings

The hall have agreed that we can increase the amount of people we have on a Sunday! So far it has been 30, but there is plenty of space for more than that.

We've increased that to 50 so it should be much easier to sign up, with plenty of space to keep everyone socially distanced from each other.

We will keep that under review and if you have any concerns do get in touch, we want everyone to feel safe and comfortable. The hall's seating limit is 250 so I think we will be fine!

27th June
- sign up here
I'll be launching our new series called Ekklesia, where we explore the purpose of church. We'll be back inside the hall as we're using the screen, which does mean masks, but at least we won't need to worry about the rain.

You are allowed to remove your mask to have a drink, so that might be a good way to have a few short mask breaks during the meeting if that helps you.

4th July - sign up here
Simon is continuing our series with a message on ministry. There is a possibility of being outside again, but we'll have to see what the weather is doing nearer the time.

If you have strong thoughts either way do get in touch. I loved being outside and singing but others may not have!

Have a great week, hope to see you soon.

Blessings, Ben


Revive Cafe and Ekklesia


Talking About Race and Vision Night