Talking About Race and Vision Night

Dear friends,

It was so good to gather with some of you on Sunday, if you'd like to sign up for this Sunday or the one after, head to the What's On page or there will be more details at the end of this email. A few things to share first:

Talking About Race

Last year Kerith asked Natalee Matsekeza to write a report on how as a church we can respond better to issues of racial injustice. 

You can find the full report and a summary of it here. It details the experiences of people in our community and makes several recommendations; I'd encourage you to take some time to read it.  

If you wanted to read more I list a few books in a blog post I wrote in April, including We Need To Talk About Race Ben Lindsay and Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race by Reni-Eddo Lodge. 

Vision Night

This Sunday 13th June we have a whole church Vision Night, 7:30-8:30pm on Zoom. Please email to get the Zoom details :)

Simon will be updating us about a number of key things and I want to us be in a position where we can step into what God is preparing us for as a church, and discerning what that might look like for us on the island. This Vision Night is a key part of this so do come along if you can.

Watch Parties

This Sunday 13th June we are finishing our Feasts series with Tabernacles. We'll have pre-recorded worship and I'll be leading us live in a time of reflection and prayer - sign up here.

If you have time, I recommend reading John 7 before you join us.

20th June is Father's Day and we have something different up our sleeves...
I've asked three legendary Dads in our community to share some of their reflections on their relationship with Father God and what it's like to be a Dad, and Dan will lead us in live worship.

Plus - we might be meeting outside!

Depending on the weather, our plan is to move the meeting out to the Memorial Hall car park. This means - no masks, and we can sing! But you still have to sign up, which you can do here.

If restrictions are eased again then the Sunday after (27th June) will be 'normal'! We'll update you when we know more :)

Thanks so much if you've read this far, as we get back to physical gatherings these emails will become a bit shorter and less frequent, but I'm glad we've been able to share news from a distance.

If you'd rather subscribe to a blog to keep up to date just click here - this also gives you quick access to past messages.

Blessings, Ben


Sunday meetings are GROWING :)


Life Skills ahoy!