Watch Party 23rd May! Sign Up Now!

Hi Church!

Yesterday we heard the news that from next Monday restrictions will be loosening a little more! This is great but as we begin to enjoy a little more freedom, let's keep praying for those who are still in hospital and unwell, as well as those that have lost loved ones.

Watch Party Sign up 23rd May

Our first Watch Party is happening on 23rd May! We have been getting things ready at the hall to make sure things will be as safe as possible when we welcome you back in and we are really excited to see you then! You will need to sign up to come, here is the link for the sign-up page. As we have to limit numbers in the hall, make sure you sign up as there might not be space if you just turn up.

We've made a video that shows what will happen when you get to the hall, so do watch that to give you an idea of what to expect, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to get in touch with either me or Ben.

Although there will be some restrictions on what we can/can't do, we're really looking forward to being able to gather together in-person, to encounter Jesus together and encourage each other in our faith. So please do join us if you are able to and let's be praying that God would do great things through our gathering again!

Hope to see you soon!


West Wight Assistant Site Pastor


Watch Events start THIS SUNDAY!!!


Watch Events and an update from Ben