Watch Events start THIS SUNDAY!!!

Dear friends,

One week today, we'll be welcoming 30 of you back into the Memorial Hall for a Sunday meeting together! Over the next few weeks this will be our focus as we work out how to make you feel safe if you want to join us, and how to make you feel part of what we're doing if you'd prefer to stay at home for now.

Either way, let's keep persevering and focus on Jesus. We want to encounter God together, whether you can join us for our first Sunday back or not, that is my prayer.

'Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.'
Hebrews 12:1-2

Sunday 23rd May

As I write this, we only have 6 spaces left... book in here. The hall's risk assessment limits us to 30 at the moment so if you just turn up, you might find a locked door :(

I'll be hosting the meeting, which means we can pray together to start and respond together after the preach. Dan will be leading us in live worship, and we'll watch Ben Pocock's message on the screen.

Sunday 30th May

You can sign up for this meeting now! There will be a live host to guide us as we engage with the worship and preach on screen - Catrina is speaking on the Feast of Trumpets :)

General Sunday things

We will update you if any of this changes, but for now:

Every week
You will need to sign up. The events are open from two weeks before, we'll send out details or you can go to this page of the website.

Doors open at 9:45, the meeting will start at 10.

Once in the hall you will need to wear a mask (unless you are exempt) and follow the one way system. Apart from using the toilet (and retrieving children...) please stay seated and maintain distance from others as much as possible.

We won't be providing refreshments for a while :(

You can sit with your household or bubble, move some chairs if you'd like to :)

We won't be singing during worship, but that doesn't mean we can't join in! (Singing and shouting can lead to higher rates of transmission - see

We will have a live host to lead the meeting, and we won't just watch the live stream all the way through, we can choose to show the worship and/or preach on the screen.

Those leading from the front don't need to wear masks and we can have singers leading us, but we'll keep lots of distance from everyone, and for now everyone doing that is taking a lateral flow test every week.

The rules say you can approach those leading the meeting, so if you feel comfortable you can come and speak to me, particularly if you feel God is moving in a particular way but please keep your mask on :)

After the meeting we need to leave promptly, following the one way system, but you can catch up outside (we can also sing outside, so that could be fun one day?).

Some weeks there will be a live element in the meeting, either worship or the preach.

We're building things back up slowly, partly due to our volunteer teams. The bigger our team, the quicker we can get back to more live elements, including Kerith Kids!

So far for June, I'm preaching live on 6th, and Dan is recruiting production and worship team (get in touch if you can help...) to have one or two live worship sets during the month.

It is complicated because we have to follow the government guidance, the hall's risk assessment and our own risk assessment... so please be patient!

What about online? 

Online will continue, and the content of the preach will be similar if we have a live speaker. Anything you need to know, we'll send out, so we can keep everyone connected even if we can't all be together (yet).

If there is anything that is making you unsure about joining us at the hall, please do get in touch. We will do everything we can to make you feel comfortable enough to join us.

Praying for you, hope you have a great week, and looking forward to seeing some of you soon.

Blessings, Ben


We’re a 3D Church!


Watch Party 23rd May! Sign Up Now!