We’re a 3D Church!

Hi everyone,

It was so good to see some of you yesterday at our first In-Person Sunday in over a year! Great to be Church in 3D again 😄

If you have any thoughts or encouragements from yesterday, or any ways we can improve your experience or help you to feel more comfortable as we begin gathering again, do let us know, as we are still figuring this all out.

Please do send us any prayer requests and we will be praying for you throughout the week. One day we will be able to lay hands on each other again and pray together on Sundays like we used to, for now, let's keep praying for each other in small groups and do message us on west.wight@kerith.church with any prayer requests, or answered prayers!

Next week at our Watch Party we will be joining in the live stream for the sung worship and the message, so do book up to be with us if you can: https://www.kerith.church/whats-on/events?site=West%20Wight and why not have a think about who you could invite to join you. Who do you know that has been asking some questions about life and faith, who would love to be part of our church community?

If you would like to be part of the awesome team that makes Sundays happen, you can get in touch with us as we seek to grow our teams: Welcome, production, worship, Kids.

Just want to encourage you with these verses from John 20:21-22. After Jesus had risen and was appearing to the disciples, before he ascended to heaven, he appeared to them and said this.

"Again Jesus said, 'Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.' And with that he breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'

As we begin to regather physically on Sundays, it's really important for us to remember that God fills us with His Spirit, so that we might share him with others. In these verses Jesus declares peace on the disciples and He sends them out, having received the Holy Spirit. So, as we remembered yesterday the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and invited the Holy Spirit to fall on us too, he fills us, not only to give us peace, but to empower us to share Jesus with those around us, as he calls us to be disciples who make disciples! (Matthew 28:19-20)

So that is my prayer for us this week, that as we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we would have opportunities to point people towards Jesus and give us peace in those situations to do it.

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Dan Wells

Kerith West Wight Assistant Site Pastor


Life Skills ahoy!


Watch Events start THIS SUNDAY!!!