Kerith REVIVE Blog
Christmas Appeal: Spreading Love and Joy this Christmas with Kerith Revive
As the days grow shorter and the air gets colder, we all know that Christmas is just around the corner. It's a time for celebration, joy, and spending precious moments with our loved ones. However, for some, the holiday season can be a challenging time, especially for those who may be struggling to make ends meet.
Cost of living crisis: Empowering change
Summertime has always been a bit quieter at our Foodbanks but despite our numbers at Bracknell dropping over the summer, we’re very conscious of the impact the cost-of-living crisis is having and are bracing ourselves for the months to come.
Revive Blog - May
Welcome to the Revive Blog! Each month we’ll be updating you with good news stories, foodbank stats, and much more from the Kerith Revive Team.
Revive Blog - March
Welcome to the Revive Blog! Each month we’ll be updating you with good news stories, foodbank stats, and much more from the Kerith Revive Team.
New Year - New Blog!
Welcome to the Revive Blog! Each month we’ll be updating you with good news stories, foodbank stats, and much more from the Kerith Revive Team.