Building Renovation Gift Days

On the 25th of July and the 1st of August we are going to be having our 'building renovation gift days.'

Having acquired our own building we would now love to do some renovations to make the building as welcoming and useful as possible. A new heating system, bigger and more welcoming entrance, TV’s for the kids rooms and a kitchen and drinks area are just some of the things we are hoping to do. We feel these renovations would bless both our church and local community as we look to help people find their way back to God.

We have already raised around £35,000 of the £100,000 target which is brilliant. We are so thankful to God and to those who have been praying and/or given generously of any amount to the fund.

The smart TV's for the kids rooms and the heating are our first priorities, then the widening of the entrance. Hopefully we are not too far away from the amount needed for those projects. But, we would love to raise the remainder of the money so we can press on with the rest of the work.

So please be praying and thinking about what you could give and we hope to see you on the 25th of July and the 1st August where we'll be hearing stories from people that have already been blessed by Kerith Windsor being part of their journey.

If you would like to give you can do that here:



A kind of 'normal' Sunday


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