Help & Support

Can we help?

At Kerith we believe in being a safe haven & source of provision to our local community.

We work on the front line with those most in need, not only addressing their immediate needs but signposting and supporting long-term recovery and progression towards achieving stability and security.

Upcoming Events

Explore the courses and services we offer, including those in partnership with Christians Against Poverty (CAP).

For more information on CAP, visit our Partnerships page.


CAP DEBT & MONEY ADVICE: We provide specially trained debt coaches who will visit you in your own home and work with you towards a solution to become debt free.


MONEY MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP:  A free workshop designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to better manage your finances.


FOODSHARE: Windsor Foodshare provides short-term weekly help in the form of non-perishable foods, bread, eggs, fresh fruit, and vegetables to any local household in which due to a lack of funds there is a likelihood of an individual becoming hungry. Once a month we also provide toiletries and cleaning products.


EARLY INTERVENTION: We support local primary aged children who are struggling with social, behavioural or emotional difficulties.


FOSTERING & ADOPTION: We are a Home for Good church, partnering with the national charity that works to find a loving home for every child that needs one.

The Kerith
Cost of Living Fund

If you need help, support or advice please get in touch…

  • Join our team

    Learn more about volunteering opportunities with our Revive teams and discover how you can get involved. Whether you're interested in helping with our community projects, events, or support services, we welcome your contribution.

  • Transform Society

    Discover the charities we partner with and learn about the valuable work they do. From local community initiatives to global aid organizations, find out how we collaborate to make a difference. Click here for more info.

  • Donate

    Support our Revive Ministries with a one-time or regular donation to help make a significant difference in our local communities. Thank you for your generosity! Click here and select Revive (Social Justice).

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