Wednesday: Our local community, Bracknell town, schools, health & wealth

Let’s P.R.A.Y. 

P: Pause. What are the local council services near you? Take a moment today to think back to the times you have accessed them , the schools, the hospitals, the tip, the library etc 

R: Rejoice. Thank God for the moments when they have been a blessing to you- thank God for the staff teams- can you name any?  

A: Ask. Right now local government departments are waiting for more cuts, lets pray for the decision makers that they will make wise choices, that money will be released to support the most vunerable. That as a church community we would be engaged in our local community, acknowledging the needs around us and stepping in to be a blessing. 

Y: Yield. Where there is injustice in our local systems lets choose today not to grumble but to bring light and hope and support sustainable solutions. What is God giving you ‘holy discontent’ about? Yield to your part in the solution!  

Jeremiah 29:7 ‘Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.’ 



Thursday: Our local Church, ministries, small groups, finance, creating space for healthy growth and friendships


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