Kerith Bracknell Blog
Sing carols in town with us on Thursday 12th December
The Lexicon have invited the Bracknell Churches back to sing carols together by the Christmas tree in the middle of the Lexicon shopping Centre, to sing carols and invite people to many of the carols services at the Bracknell Churches by giving out leaflets on Thursday 12th December.
Please, we still need your help to spread the JOY this Christmas Season
We still need help in bringing Christmas JOY to our events over this season. Can you take up a serving opportunity?
Find the JOY in Christmas this year at Kerith.
In the midst of the highs and lows of this season we want to invite you to experience the heart of Christmas as we take a you on a journey through the Christmas Story.
Join us in bringing JOY to Christmas…. 🎄 👼🏻🎁
Part of our DNA at Kerith Community Church is to craft events and moments where people can experience the presence of God in the midst of the Christmas season. To do this well we need all of us to play our part- it’s a great way to make new friends at Kerith and bless those coming through the doors for the first time.
Sunday: Sabbath rest, healing and health
Let’s P.R.A.Y.
P: Pause. Yes, pause. That’s what Sabbath entails: for us to Stop, Rest, Delight and Worship. Let’s take time to be still, breathe slowly and re-centre our scattered senses upon the presence of God.
R: Rejoice. Thank God for His example from the Creation story that gives us the instruction and permission to rest from our labour on a weekly schedule.
A: Ask. Pray for and actively seek the rejuvenation that comes through regularly scheduled rest. Pray for healing and health. Once a foreign non-Jewish woman asked Jesus to heal her daughter. When Jesus responded in such a way that would have made others feel degraded, the woman looked beyond her pride and answered with wisdom and faith, resulting in Jesus commending her and granting her request in a phenomenal way (Matt 15:21-28). Her testimony still speaks to us today. Let’s ask again, even if it feels like it’s the hundredth time, where we need a miracle of healing for ourselves, a loved one or someone else who comes to mind. Let’s ask Jehovah- Rapha, the Lord our healer, for rest, breakthrough, freedom, healing, health and complete shalom-wellbeing — whether He chooses to use the gift of medicine and surgery, or solely brings it about through His outstanding miraculous power.
Y: Yield. Let’s find rest in Jesus. Place trust and faith in Him to hear and answer.
Saturday: Personal spiritual growth, renewal, emotionally healthy spirituality, family and home situations
Let’s P.R.A.Y.
P: Pause. Breathe in Breathe out slowly. How are you feeling today? Notice your emotions, don’t rush away but give them to God - Read Psalm 139 and meditate on the words.
R: Rejoice.
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”
A: Ask. Spiritual formation starts with a desire to move closer to Jesus, ask God today for a renewal of expectancy and hunger for His Word and a deeper love for those around you.
Y: Yield. What do you need to clear out of your life to allow God space to move?
Friday: Christmas, the opportunities for evangelism and impact
Let’s P.R.A.Y.
P: Pause. How do I feel about Christmas? Is the idea stressing me out or bringing me joy? Talk to God about how you feel.
R: Rejoice. Give thanks that someone explained the Gospel to you, Who were they? Thank God for them!
A: Ask. Think about who you'd like to invite to our Christmas events, ask Jesus for opportunities to chat with them over the coming weeks. Pray for the teams planning Christmas and ask God to guide you to what your involvement could be this year.
Y: Yield. Give God any anxiety or fear around inviting others to join with you at Kerith this Christmas.
Thursday: Our local Church, ministries, small groups, finance, creating space for healthy growth and friendships
Let’s P.R.A.Y.
P: Pause. Today we are praying for Kerith Community Church, focusing on our site here in Bracknell. What words/feelings come to mind when you think through your involvement in church life. Bring them to Jesus today.
R: Rejoice. Thank God for his master plan that the ‘church is the hope of the world’, and that you are part of that plan today. Who do you want to thank God for this morning with our community- why don’t you send them a message of gratitude.
A: Ask. Lets pray for God to accomplish his plans through Kerith in this season – pray for resources to do all He has for us, both people and finance. Pray for our spiritual temperature, that we would be passionate about the Gospel and creating space for healthy growth in our community.
Y: Yield. What is it that God is saying to you today about playing your part in God’s plan for the salvation of the world- through the local church!
Wednesday: Our local community, Bracknell town, schools, health & wealth
9 Oct, 2024
Let’s P.R.A.Y.
P: Pause. What are the local council services near you? Take a moment today to think back to the times you have accessed them , the schools, the hospitals, the tip, the library etc
R: Rejoice. Thank God for the moments when they have been a blessing to you- thank God for the staff teams- can you name any?
A: Ask. Right now local government departments are waiting for more cuts, lets pray for the decision makers that they will make wise choices, that money will be released to support the most vunerable. That as a church community we would be engaged in our local community, acknowledging the needs around us and stepping in to be a blessing.
Y: Yield. Where there is injustice in our local systems lets choose today not to grumble but to bring light and hope and support sustainable solutions. What is God giving you ‘holy discontent’ about? Yield to your part in the solution!
Tuesday: Our nation, it’s politics & social justice
Let’s P.R.A.Y.
P: Pause. Take a moment to quietly consider what’s going on currently in the nation (for instance, increased energy costs), how it affects you personally, as well as others that you may or may not know. Think about the emotions stirred in you because of this and bring it all to Jesus’ feet.
R: Rejoice. Thank God for our leaders and the systems that have been put in place for our common good.
A: Ask. Pray for wisdom for our leaders and each of us, to make a stand for what is right and to act justly towards everyone within our spheres of influence.
Y: Yield. Trust the Father to hear us as we pray.
Monday: Our world, international matters, politics & conflict
Let’s P.R.A.Y.
P: Pause. What’s on the news across the continents either this morning or currently? What catches your eye that God is asking you to pray around today?
R: Rejoice. Thank God for His love for the world, and his mercies that are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23).
A: Ask. Pray into world events that need God’s breakthrough. It may help to pray the 3 Ps – for the people, the peacemakers and the pastors in that area.
Y: Yield. Allow Jesus to release you from any anxiety as you intercede today. Calling out to God but being assured that he is ultimately sovereign over all of His earth.
Another Week of Prayer and Fasting kicks off on Monday 7th October
We have another opportunity to collectively focus our attention on God, and wait on Him to speak.
Help us bring some light to Bracknell this Autumn!
As Christians should we try to discourage children from celebrating Halloween and from “Trick or Treating” in the community? Well, interestingly part of Halloween’s history has a Christian basis.
There’s a small group for you…
Not everyone likes the same flavours of ice-cream. Some love choc-chip, others are fans of rum and raisin (yuck!). In the same way we know that we enjoy differing ways to connect with God and others.
We’re here now!
Following a history of having gone to two meetings a few times, including planting out other churches and seeing the start of our other Kerith sites over the years — such as Reading Family Church, Kerith Sandhurst (which is now our Kerith Farnborough site), Kerith Windsor, Kerith Isle of Wight (which has recently moved from the west of the island to Newport) and Flow Church — it’s now another beautiful watershed moment in the life of Kerith Bracknell as we returned to two meetings again on our site this past Sunday, 8th September.
Sunday’s coming, here’s the plan …
We have been praying as a team for the start of something really special this weekend, CREATING SPACE FOR HEALTHY GROWTH, means first we have to MOVE to create the space.
Worshipping together- starting something new this Sunday.
In 2 weeks time we are launching our 2 meetings at Kerith Bracknell…
Are you free Monday mornings?
Come and help us come alongside parents and their toddlers on a Monday!
Deepen your faith: consider taking or leading a course
At Kerith Bracknell we are passionate about GROWING in our faith, as we know it’s all to easy to think we can live our lives relying on the Bible truths we learnt many years back.
Trash to Cash: Plateau Project Northern Nigeria
Last Sunday was a really powerful reminder of the part we can all play in caring for God’s creation.