Creation Care

The leadership of Kerith Community Church publicly declare a climate and environmental emergency that requires urgent prayer and action.

Upcoming Events

Tearfund ‘Trash to Cash’ Campaign

From Tearfund Trash to Cash: Turning plastic pollution into economic opportunity in Plateau State, Nigeria.

The long-term objective of the project is to eliminate plastic waste dumped into rivers and watercourses, thus breaking the cycle of the negative impact of plastics on marine and human health and turning it into economic benefits for people living in poverty. We have committed to give £10,000 a year for three years. The funds will come initially from Kerith Site Building Gift Day tithes, and in addition to this we encourage you to fundraise with sponsored events, challenges, and other ways of raising awareness and funds on each site.

If you would like to give directly to support our Tearfund "Trash to Cash" fund or support our Kerith Creation Care and Justice initiative then click here.

To learn more, click on the buttons below.

Creation Care and Justice Team

Did you know that we have a Creation Care & Justice group at Kerith? This group are working towards reaching goals to make Kerith a more sustainable eco church. They meet monthly but have loads going on throughout the month as well and if you’d be interested in getting involved in any way, please get in touch.

Creation Care Course

This 8-week Creation Care small group study series considers God’s creation of the universe as a reflection of His glory. In this course you will exercise curiosity and discuss God’s heart for His creation in relation to us, and how we respond to the current climate emergency. While doing so, we keep our eyes fixed on a God of justice, through prayer and practical application as we live out our faith.

Eco Church Award

Our Bracknell, Farnborough and Windsor sites have recently achieved Bronze Status award from A Rocha's Eco-Church project. This video is an explanation as to what this is, and what it means for us as a church.

Creation Care Interviews

Want to get more involved in Creation Care here at Kerith?

Talk to us about what you are passionate about.