Kerith Farnborough
Kerith Farnborough: the story so far
We thought it was about time we updated you on where we are with our building project - come along this Sunday, or check your inbox next week for more on that!
Small groups coming soon
We follow a termly rhythm with our small groups, which means people don’t have to sign up to a long term commitment, either as a leader or a member of a small group or course.
Kintsugi Hope wellbeing group
Our Kintsugi Hope wellbeing group is a safe and supportive space for people who feel or have felt overwhelmed.
Kerith Farnborough Easter events
We’re excited to share with you all we have coming up at Easter in Kerith Farnborough.
Be part of the Kerith Farnborough choir
Our Kerith Farnborough choir are a fantastic part of our church community, singing at our Chirstmas event and suporting worship last Sunday. Maybe you could get involved too?