Are you feeling lonely?

Lots of ways to meet new people

We know it can be difficult to meet new people, to feel included and to feel like a valued member of a community. Kerith Community Church offers a lot of different opportunities to help you meet new people, grow real and meaningful friendships and to be supported in your life.


Sometimes it can be overwhelming to step outside of your comfort zone and attend an event. But here at Kerith, we like to think we have an event for everyone – including those who may be feeling alone. Explore our upcoming events and take that next step towards meeting new people.

Revive Cafe

We’ve created this comfortable space for people to relax, grab some lunch, make new friends and build on old friendships! Staffed by an amazing team of volunteers, who are passionate about the work we do, we offer great food and drink at affordable prices!

Sunday Services

Every Sunday, across each of our different locations, we host Sunday meetings. It doesn’t matter if you are just taking your first look at who we are and what we do, or deciding if you want to join us on more of a regular basis. Our welcoming Host Team are excited to meet you and help you find the answers to any questions you might have.

Small Groups & Courses

At Kerith, there really is a small group for everyone! On each of our sites, we have a number of different groups and courses you’d be welcome to join. Some groups meet in person throughout the week, while others get together online, to chat about life, faith and friendship. Explore our current groups and find one that fits.

Other places to look for help…

We’re grateful for the amount of resources and courses we can offer at Kerith to support our community. But, there are many other places and charities that we trust to give advice and support. We recommend the following organisations to people who might be looking to meet new people… 

How we can help you…

Why not read our blog?

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