Are you interested in helping?

Volunteering at Kerith

One of the best ways to feel at home at Kerith Community Church, meet new people and feel involved, is through volunteering. It takes an army of volunteers behind the scenes to help our local communities connect with God. We’d love you to join us in our mission.

Sunday Meeting Team

Every Sunday there are multiple services we need help with. We need people ready to welcome others to church. Willing volunteers to help with the logistics, operations and the technical side of church. Our community is growing and there’s a space for you to help serve on a Sunday. 

Pastoral Care Team

God designed humans to live life alongside one another; in prayer, with practical help and caring for each other. Volunteer with our pastoral care team and serve others by praying for them. Join our team to help people feel valued, listened to and connected to God. 

Creation Care & Justice Team

The words 'Climate Crisis' has become the soundtrack to our generation, but maybe we are tempted to 'leave it to the experts and activists'. This Creation Care course seeks to consider what response we should have as Christians to God’s creation, creating time and space for us to deepen our understanding and share our thoughts around the subject of climate change.

Diversity & Inclusion Team

At Kerith we discuss the issues that really matter to us as a community, in the light of the Bible. We have a number of devoted groups where we look at our Talking About Race Campaign and look at ways to put the report recommendations into action. We want passionate advocates for equality and justice to join our volunteers and help implement recommendations to guide the church.

Could you donate to one of our funds?

There are always going to be financial needs across our different church sites, whether that’s for staff, resources or events. We are so grateful to our community for continuing to support our work by giving regularly. But there are also specific funds that you can give to Kerith, such as the building fund and the cost of living fund. If you are in a position to give, we’d love to ask you to consider giving to one of these specific projects.

Other ways you can help…

We’re grateful for the team at Kerith who support our community. But, there are many other places and charities that are also seeking volunteers. Here are some of the organisations who may need your help… 

All the ways we offer support

Why not read our blog?

Want to offer your help?