Kerith Isle of Wight Blog
Talking About Race and Vision Night
Find out more about our ‘Talking About Race’ conversation and our Vision Nights coming up, here.
Life Skills ahoy!
We want to be known in our community for something more than Sundays, and we are getting there!
We’re a 3D Church!
Great to be Church in 3D again. If you have any thoughts or encouragements from yesterday, or any ways we can improve your experience or help you to feel more comfortable as we begin gathering again, do let us know, as we are still figuring this all out.
Watch Events start THIS SUNDAY!!!
One week today, we'll be welcoming 30 of you back into the Memorial Hall for a Sunday meeting together!
Watch Party 23rd May! Sign Up Now!
Yesterday we heard the news that from next Monday restrictions will be loosening a little more!
Watch Events and an update from Ben
Yesterday Dan and I started preparing for meeting in person on Sundays, it was really special being back in the hall and we can't wait to welcome you to join us from 23rd May. So, what is a watch party?
Site Prayer meeting and Small Group sign up
A chance to spend time praying into the next few months as we begin to gather again physically. If we want to see transformation on this Island, we need an army of pray-ers. We want to see God doing mighty things as we meet together on Sundays so we will be praying for His Kingdom to come in the West Wight, joining with the Holy Spirit in contending for this community.
Site Sunday and Racism in the Church
The conviction of Derek Chauvin and the documentary on the BBC this week about racism in the Church of England are stark reminders of the scale of the problem of racial injustice. I want to remind us again to respond as individuals and as a community.